Developing a Functional Drinks Brand
Slim Lilly is an award-winning range of functional drinks developed by a slimming Doctor, with the benefit of curbing the appetite through harnessing the benefits of Konjac fibre.
As an international beauty and wellness consultancy, we work with clients from different regions of the world including the US and Canada, to develop and build their brands. Interested? Let’s discuss how we can help you.
Solid relationships lie at the heart of every successful business. Whether you are developing a new brand or need help in taking your existing company to new heights, you are looking for a partner with a strong brand management background in the beauty industry.
A specialist who can work alongside you to make things happen. A beauty brand management company that understands the ‘bigger picture’ of what you want to create and knows how to pull this together. We apply our proven 6-step signature process, to take your ideas from ideation to products on the shelves, and growth across an international marketplace.
Based locally, we are accustomed to working with an international client base.
As an international beauty brand consultancy, we pride ourselves on being the difference between a project with short-term results, to the transformational change your company can sustain. We work alongside your team to drive the changes you are looking for, through providing a fresh pair of eyes, experience and an insider-out approach, to produce meaningful results. Our team has the strategic know-how, a professional can-do attitude and compassion for working alongside our clients. If you are ready for change, and looking for expertise, GET IN TOUCH for a confidential call
The team at Bespoke Advantage have years of developing and managing brands in the UK, and across international markets. Read more in our case studies
We can support you with
– Retained outsourced beauty product development and beauty brand management services
– Providing our support with setting up your new beauty division
– Providing our support with sourcing new brands for your beauty portfolio
– Providing Non-Executive support to your leadership team, as your Expert Beauty Team